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Monday, March 19, 2007

Week 18 3/19/07

13 days until the race.....getting closer.

I started off this week with a strong abs and spinning workout on Monday, actually I did the stationery bike instead of spinning class, since the new instructor could not figure out how to work the stereo and I was not about to sit through an hour class with no music. I ended up having a much better ab workout than I normally would, so I was pleased with the change.

On Tuesday evening I met a few fellow teammates at Dana Landing for some transition practices from the swim top bike and bike to run. Actually we didn't do any swimming, just practiced as if we had!!!! After the transition practices we did another tire clinic....which is the first time in probably at least 10 years where I actually changed a tire. All along I had been paying attention on how to do a speedy tire change, but until y0u do it, you never really have the confidence to know you will be okay out there in the middle of a race if something does happen that warrants you getting off your bike, doing a little cursing and then changing the tire out. I ended up doing two rear tire changes without any issues, much to my delight. I did not time myself, but I was very pleased with the pace in which I did them. The only thing I need to work on is making sure I use all the CO2 in the gun. I could have put a bit more air in my tire, but no pinch flats when I got on and started riding!!!

After doing the tire changing clinic I headed up to JCC to swim with Bill. As soon as I got in my car, I noticed my lower back was pretty sore and all of a sudden I was feeling a bit run down. What the heck, I felt great just minutes earlier, no way I could be getting of course I swam, and did okay but was not one of my stronger swims. I came straight home after swim, took a shower and went to bed.

I went to track on Wednesday night and did not feel that well, actually felt achy and weak like I was getting the flu, so I was a bit paranoid about working out. I did the warm-up, stretching, plyometrics and did a few of the hill repeats, but then decided against continuing on. I finally am listening to my body. So I came home ate something and then went to bed early again. I took Thursday and Friday off from working out, and actually had a few beers on Friday night, since I was not going to drink on Saturday, St. Patty's Day, for the second year in a row :(

I ended up going to the swim at La Jolla shores on Saturday morning at 9am and it was dark, grey, foggy, cold and high tide....not the best swimming conditions at all. Oh well, I was still feeling a bit weak, but really wanted to swim...even though my goal was to be healthy for tomorrow's practice triathlon. Once again I listened to my body. I did one repetition of the course coach set up, swam it well and then came into shore and changed into some dry clothes. I was able to satisfy both thoughts running through my head, the smart one telling me to rest and take it easy and not get any more sick, and the one which ultimately drives me - telling me to suck it up and just do what it takes....

13 days until the race....... tomorrow is the real practice triathlon.

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